So much for consistency. I apologize.
Since I last posted, lots has happen. I turned 21, start my internship at the magazine, and had lots of fun here and there.

For some reason, this is the only picture I have of my 21st birthday. Somehow, Sital had glow sticks (which no one ended up using except for the cupcake) and Amanda produced a red velvet cup cake from work at Beagle Bagel.
For lunch, I went to Bon Ami with my family. It (and company) were amazing per usual. Cary gave me this adorable scrubber that's shaped as a porcupine. Love it! For dinner, I went to Margaritas with my friends and had lots of fun. It was probably the longest I ever spent in a Mexican restaurant. We had lots of fun catching up on everyone's end of the school year and talking about our work schedules.

Truff also got the best thing in the world: A POOL. She loves it. We have figured out that she has some lineage as a water dog because of her webbed feet. I've never seen a dog love water more than this dog. This is her new favorite spot where she will literally plop down so she is laying shoulder deep in water.

I also started my internship this week. It's been the longest and busiest week. But, it's been full of meaningful work and I'm learning alot. This is my little cubby hole. It's not much (I've done a little decorating), but a have a great view from my window.

Isn't is pretty. It's very green and nice. The first day I actually saw some deer drinking from the water (hard to see). Thought I'm not sure, I believe the water from my window is part of the Pearl River or a creek that feeds into it. Our office is right next to the river, but it's hard to tell what it is.

Last night, Ashlee came into town from Columbus, she we all went out to dinner. After eating at Nagoya, we all met up with Erin so she could see Ashlee and we could all talk about her engagement (which is veryyy weird that my friends are at that point now). So, we met her at Mint and had drinks and dessert. I got a Mint Lemonade and it came in this cute Mason jar. I was pretty impressed.
Hopefully now I can blog on a more regular basis. Work doesn't allow for much photo taking, so I'll try to blog as much as possible!