Talk about keeping no stone uncovered! I may have gotten carried away taking photos my house, but I wanted to give you guys the grand tour of the digs, now that most things are in it's place.
We'll start with my bedroom... which, to be honest, didn't come together (in my opinion) until yesterday. I finally got a chance to paint my dresser black, add some knobs, and hang the mirror. I also repurposed some big pillows on my bed. It made SUCH a difference!

[view from the hallway into my room]

Here's the dresser. It's really simple and functional. I thought about all different types of knobs, but after totaling the cost, this 10 pc set for $10 at Target just made sense. Good thing I picked them because they are perfect.

View from my room into the hall to the bathroom [right] and Maggie's room [ahead]. That rug is covering this scary beast of a floor heater. Since the house was renovated with central heat/air, the heater isn't even used anymore. It wasn't fun stepping over it everyday!


Dining area of dining room. I have to tell you, this photo makes me laugh because it makes the pumpkin look small to me. There is nothing small about it! You should have seen me bringing it in the house yesterday.

I don't care that it's only September, I'm celebrating FALL.

Living room [from dining room]. I think my favorite part of the living room is the rug. I got it for a STEAL at $43 at Lowes. Whoddathunk?

For a week we didn't have a coffee table and I'm so glad we have one now. We scored the table at IKEA and putting it together was a scene within itself.

TV area [yes, I'm watching Food Network]

This trunk was something I didn't even have in my house originally, but it's probably my second favorite piece. My dad used to use it for storage in his office and he loves it because it's A) something from HIS dad and B) an old Sears and Roebuck shipping crate from the early 1900s. It was used to ship a boat motor and my dad still has the motor too.

I think this is my friend Sital's favorite spot. She loves this chair and has been searching to find one just like it for her house now! I tell her it's just a brown chair, but she thinks otherwise, so I'll believe her.

I love how my house is full of memories. I've gotten a lot of my artwork and other items on trips, which makes it that much more fun to see everyday. This poster is from the Delta Blues Museum in Clarksdale where I went with my mom, sisters, aunt, and cousin a few years ago. (Like... five years ago? Is that possible?)

This is probably the most incomplete part of our house, simply because of the exercise bike. But, I ride that puppy everyday after work watching the news, so I'm not complaining.

The kitchen from the dining room.

The famous stove. I love thee. [Like the new header? I did some Photoshop work on a photo I took and I'm digging it right now]

Just to give you perspective of the size and our front load washer and dryer. [See my clothes going??] I love these so much because they are so energy efficient and QUIET. Sometimes I have to go check it to make sure it's going.

Peek of the backyard...
I've had some people at work ask me about not having a dishwasher. I tell them, "I wash them just like they did before dishwashers... duh!" I took cues from my Mamaw and Papaw and got a dishpan, which works really well. Maggie's family has never used their dishwasher so she's used to not having a dishwasher. I didn't have a dishwasher in my Hattiesburg house, so it's really not something that new.

How did I get this bird's eye view? (Because we know I'm not that tall... puh-lease) My new stool from TJ Maxx!

It's the coolest thing. You just fold/unfold it in one motion - just use the handle in the middle.

It's been so handy!
I hope you liked the house tour! Did you notice that there was only one or two times I had to use any lighting at all? I love all the windows in here. It makes it so nice and it's nice on the pocketbook too.
I've entertained a couple times (turkey and tofu lettuce wraps... mmm), but didn't get any pictures. I'll have to do better about that. Later!