I am really starting to want to work with coffee again. I miss it. I think coffee misses me too. I've been searching around and I think are a couple of places I am going to apply to. Yes, I do still have my teaching job, but that is only Monday nights. I think it might be good for me.
All of this got started yesterday with the Pioneer Woman's "Answers" yesterday in her cooking section. One of the things she talked about was how she makes iced coffee.
Here is what she had to say:
I’m an iced coffee lover—I drink it every morning. Here’s what I do: Grind a pound of coffee beans. Put the coffee grounds in a large pitcher. Fill it with warm water, cover the pitcher with a towel, and let it steep for at least 12 hours on the kitchen counter. Then I strain it with a very fine mesh strainer into a container with a lid. Then I store it in the fridge and use it over the next couple of weeks. To make the iced coffee, I fill a glass with ice, then fill the glass half full with the cold coffee-liquid-concoction-potion stuff. Then I splash cold milk—or, if I’m feeling particularly naughty, half & half—over the top, and stir in a tiny bit of sugar. Oh, lawsie MERCY, it’s good. You can also just mix in water if you don’t like creamy iced coffee. You can also mix in ICE CREAM if you want to sell your soul.
I think I am going to try that in... well, five seconds.
I love my coffee!
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