Monday, May 16, 2011


Can you tell I've been busy lately???

This past weekend, Katherine was in town and Erin was performing at an art festival, FIGMENT. I'd heard a lot leading up to this festival because of work, so of course I was going to check it out. 

Honestly, it's hard to find words to describe this event. You had to be there. It was weird- partly because the event environment in an old warehouse and partly because at the time there weren't a lot of people there. Instead of telling you about it, I'll let the photos speak for themselves.
Pool of petals

Drums you beat with mallets covered in paint

All of that red, brown is cinnamon

Tea party with vegan cookies and vegan cupcakes

Mannequins you could dress

Dancers performing

Postcard wall
Tree full of books you could write in
 It was definitely interesting and I am SO glad that I went with my friends. It wouldn't have been the same without them! We had a great meal afterwards at Sal and Mookie's and fun time at Sital's afterwards.

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