Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Week Continues

If I thought that Monday was crazy, yesterday was just as crazy.
 There was the unveiling of the Greyhound Bus Station marker...
 Even the guvnah was there.

It was so hot. We were passing out brochures, programs, fans and water throughout the event, which ended with me having the most unfortunate sunburn line. Note to self: ruffled shirts make weird sunburn.

After the program finished, I was so glad to be in air conditioning. A group of us from the office went to the University Club, which has one of my favorite views of the city.
I could sit at the window all day and watch. To give you some perspective, in the middle ground is Baptist Hospital, directly behind is UMC. To the left of that is Veteran's Memorial Stadium and to the right where the water towers are is the VA and St. Dominic's.

Thankful, the week is slowing down a bit. Can't wait for a long weekend!

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