Don't you hate it when you don't have time to update your blog and you take all of these pictures and your stories begin to back up? I know, I do too. For example, I saw this GORGEOUS rainbow the other day while it was storming. This rainbow was not just a half, it was complete and HUGE. (When I went wide, hardly any of the rainbow fit in at all, this was the best I could get.)
My sister found a huge snail the other day when she was coming home. This is the only good picture of it because it would not stay still at all! It had so many feelers (six total!!!). Did you know snails grow their own shells? It's true. See those rings on this shell, that's like rings inside a tree. I guess you could say it's a little bit like growing hair.
Last night, Amanda and I went over to Sital's to help her pack for her two month adventure to Beloit in Wisconsin to study intensive Chinese. While we were there, she pulled out all the letters we had sent each other since beginning college. It was fun to get to look back at how I felt and thought about things back then and how things I hoped for came true, didn't come true, and exceeding my expections. It was really fun.
I am sorry, I know this is the worst, off-center picture ever taken. This is what the picture turned earring holder looks like. I am pretty proud of it and it is actually quite useful. Yay for projects.
Alright, that's enough to digest.
OH MY GOSH! is that snail on her leg? BECAUSE IF IT IS, I'M TOTALLY GROSSED OUT thinking of the slimy trail it left on her knee and thigh.... bleck!